Specializing In Highly-Responsive IT Support, Consulting, And Managed IT Services For Southern MN Businesses

Are you a Southern MN business that has been struggling to find reliable IT support that services your needs at a fair price? If so, you’re in the right place.

Here at Pantheon Computers, we pride ourselves on giving world-class IT support to small and medium-sized local businesses. To find out if we are a good fit, we recommend you get started by taking advantage of a quick 10-minute discovery call.

Call us at 507-718-4288 or fill out the form on this page to schedule your DISCOVERY CALL today.

Contact Us Today To Schedule Your Discovery Call

What You Can Expect From Us At Pantheon Computers in Southern MN

Responsive, Friendly Service: When you first signed up with your current IT company, they promised fast response times… but are they still delivering on it? Here at Pantheon Computers, we guarantee service within 7 minutes or less when you call our dedicated helpdesk.

Cost-Effective IT Support: With Pantheon Computers, you’ll get flat-fee support with no surprise bills. All you’re responsible for is one fair monthly fee, which simplifies your life by making your IT support easy to budget.

Fast, Secure Performance: IT disasters like being hacked or losing your data can be a nightmare for your business. That’s why we put so much focus on making sure your data and network are 100% safe & secure. Sleep easy knowing your company is protected.

Save Time & Increase Productivity

Many small businesses lose productivity they do not even realize when a manager spends a great deal of his time handling IT issues. The savings in this alone can largely offset the cost of using a top-notch outsourced IT firm like Pantheon Computers.

  • Your fast, reliable network means no more waiting for the system to load so you can do your job.
  • Our Backup & Disaster Recovery systems keep your team productive even if the server crashes.
  • Comprehensive documentation means technicians won’t waste time hunting down information they should already have.
  • We provide multiple on-site technicians to make large projects go smoother & faster, with minimal downtime.

Are You Ready For Better IT Support?

Then call us at 507-718-4288 or fill out the form on this page to schedule a 10-minute Discovery Call.

We love that Pantheon Computers is a local MN company and everything is managed and handled quickly and as efficiently as possible until we get the issues handled.

Their response time is quick if there is a detrimental issue that needs to be handled quickly and they work together to get it resolved. We like the notification system because we know what to expect and roughly how long it will take to get everything handled.

Pantheon Computers is very good with their communication and the handling of situations as they arise. They make you feel that you are just as important as their own business operations.

Rhonda Morsching Loan Officer
Elysian Bank

Pantheon Computers has committed to having techs on-site twice per week, which is huge for us. Being able to talk to someone and show them something while on-site is so beneficial. Unfortunately, we have seen a lot of turnovers with techs, but I know it’s the nature of the industry. Having their Project Engineer really understand our infrastructure is amazing.

Pantheon does what they say they will do. From the very beginning, they have been up-front about pricing, and really partner with us when helping us create IT solutions. If they commit to having check-in meetings regularly, they will make sure they happen. Pantheon has avenues when having an IT emergency and after-hours support.

Kim Nicolai Controller
Jones Metal Products